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Education Project


1. Distribution of Stationary & Classroom material

Stationary & classroom materials were distributed to 15 schools in the first and second quarters of the project. In stationary & classroom, material students received pens, pencils, erasers, books, copies, slats, A4 paper, colored pencils, markers, color sheets, mats & blackboard. The education team coordinated with the admin department and provided stationery to all requested schools.

2. Books development, Preparation of Examination, and teachers training for old & new schools:

Ten KCDA self-support schools got free books and syllabi from the Sindh Government education department. These books were distributed among schools. The area supervisor and teachers have good coordination with Government officials. Now the teacher can contact with Govt officials to get free books and enroll students in Govt schools on their own. MLE books were developed & printed for pre classes & distributed among the children in the first & second quarters.

Government Examination took place in schools and the rest of the schools have only MLE classes therefore the KCDP school supervisors conducted the annual examination. .

KCDA self-support school Teacher’s Training was conducted by the education team from 7th to 9th June 2022.In training, the trainers facilitated multilingual lingual education(MLE) and educational methodologies. 05 teachers attended this training. After this training teachers are teaching in their schools and managing their schools on a self-help basis. .

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3. Focused Group Discussion Meetings:

The School Supervisors held 31 SMC meetings with schools’ management committees. Supervisors and School management committees talked about the decreased enrollment in the schools. Also, sustainability of the schools was discussed, fee collection in the schools are very less, a team motivated community to pay regular fees to the teacher of the school. In meetings forty women and sixty men member participated in meetings.

4. School Monitoring Visits:

  • In 2022, the education supervisors completed 68 visits among 15 primary schools. the school supervisor met with the students and teachers. He observed the teaching progress in schools as well as also took the written and oral tests from students to check the student’s performance and progress in class. The supervisor observed that school teachers still need to decorate the classroom and make an interactive learning environment in classrooms. In June program manager visited two self-support schools of the KCDP project and met with teachers, students, parents, and community elders. During the visit, it was observed that sustainability takes time but it exists in the community. One school named “Naya Suraj Primary school started in 2008, 37 students passed primary from this school and two students got a scholarship from the Sindh government and studied in grade ninth. During the discussion with parents and teachers, they said in our village, not any child is without education. Now parents are aware of the importance of education and they sent their children to school. Presently our school is a self-support school and the community are responsible for school expenses. This year three students will appear in SAT (student achievement test). The second school named “Chamkty tare primary school”, was started in 2013 and now three girls of this school are studying in grade ninth and they all girls are helping school teachers in the classroom. The mothers of the daughters feel proud because their girls are now educated and they guide others very well

5. Annual Examination 2022

  • The annual examination was held in May 2022 and 185 students appeared in the annual examination. The teachers coordinated with the government supervisor for the annual examination of students. 185(108 boys & 77 girls) students have appeared in the annual examination from different classes or grades.


6. Motivation Meetings for Self-Support Schools

  • The education team and animators met with the community and motivated them to start a self-support school in two clusters. Through their strong motivation and efforts, the community agreed to start a self-support school in their village. In June 2022, the education team visited and formed a school management committee and shared the role of the SMC for schools. SMC nominated the names of the teachers and shared the list of the students. the first-year training for the new self-support school has been planned for July first week. The school’s detail defined below.

7. Evaluation Team Visits

  • In March 2022, the KCDP final evaluation was held and the evaluators visited KCDP’s six schools. During their visits, they observed the progress of the schools, teachers’ progress and teaching methodologies used in schools, and the cooperation of school SMCs and parents in the school’s development. They observed that the ratio of girl enrolment was very low and the community was still in need of motivation to send their girls into school.