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Updates: Supporting the flood affected families in Pakistan . . .

Health Awareness Program

Health Awareness Program

1. Health Awareness Session /Social Mobility

The health team completed 46 health visits in 54 villages and 1737 women participated from the women’s health groups. The health teacher took a regular class with the women and used health materials such as pictorial charts, banners, posters, and photos during the presentation.

The following topics and health issues were discussed during these meetings:

1. Precaution from Heatwave
2. Malaria (precautions and treatment)
3. Immunization (Before & after childbirth)
4. COVID-19 Vaccination & Extra Shot
5. Use of Pit Latrines & basic health hygiene principles
6. Use of Clean drinking water
7. Health & Care of Mother & Child

The health team follow-ups for latrine material were given in the last year 2021. In the follow-ups, the team found that the community is now developing a habit of safe defecation and are now using the toilet. 80 beneficiaries from the community construct their pit latrines in the village and adopted the habit of the use of the toilet. The health team and animators motivated the community to follow the WASH practices in their daily lives..

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Awesome Image

2. Annual Health Survey

The health team completed health surveys in 11 schools in which 100 girls and 154 boys total 254 have participated. The team measured the height and weight of the children. Children were asked questions about their health during this year.

The results of the survey are encouraging and, Children are healthy and growing normally. They are getting nutritious foods to eat at their homes. In a few villages Water-borne diseases are common in villages, making children sick 3 to 4 times a year. Hygiene practices are on an average level, so children need to improve hygiene practices.

3. Distribution of First Aid Boxes

  • The health team distributed the first aid material for first aid boxes in schools. The school teacher is responsible to keep the first aid box in schools.