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Updates: Supporting the flood affected families in Pakistan . . .

Case Studies

“Girls’ education is the single best investment that any society can make”

The success story belongs to two little girls named Sunneta & Hema. They both are living in Manu Patel village. They are cousins and live in the same village. KCDA started MLE school in 2013 in the village. At that time Sunneta and Hema enrolled as an MLE student. They both passed primary and now they are enrolled in a nearby government girl’s school. They both are studying in grade 8th.

Last year the school’s teacher got a new job and he has not much time to run the school. The school SMC decided to change the teacher but at that time the teacher was not available for the school. Sunneta & Hema offered their service to the school. Their parents allowed them to do teaching in school. The SMC agreed for both of them. At present school, enrolment is 35 students (20 girls & 15 boys). The girl’s enrolment is higher than boys in this school because the female teachers are teaching in class. One thing which is very encouraging for the project team. The parents of both girls are aware now and they allow their girls to get more education. Even their parents are disagreeing with the culture. They decided they will not do the early child marriage of both girls. First, they will complete their intermediate education.

The KCDP project impacted community lives and especially girls’ lives. Sunneta & Hema said, “if we are educated then we can develop”, our desire is for our Kachhi girls gets an education and bring change to our community. Hema added It’s slow but its works. We are thankful to our parents, KCDA & other supporters.

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The Self help approach brings hope

This case study belongs to the Shanti self-help group. There are ten SHG members in this group. All women of this group belong to the Kachhi tribe. The CRSA team 2021 initiated to start work in this village named Rano Patel. The women’s self-help group formed in 2021 and they started monthly saving with Rs. 100. The total group saving is Rs. 10,000/= and each member has an individual saving of Rs. 1000. In this group the one lady her name is Hazni w/o Radian, Hazni is a very active and hard worker woman. Her husband works in landlord fields and she also works with him in fields. In monthly income of her family is nominal and difficult for them to fulfill their family needs. In the Hazni family, there are seven members five kids and hazni & her husband.

In March 2022, her elder daughter named Chandani was seriously ill and she was very upset about her daughter’s health. Hazni and her husband want to do her daughter’s medical checkup from a private doctor but due to her limited financial resource, they can’t afford it. Her daughter’s condition is getting worse. One day she discussed her daughter’s health issue with her women’s self-help group members. The SHG members advised her she can take a loan from the SHG group and can take her daughter for a medical checkup. Hazni took an Rs.3000/= loan from the group and took her daughter for a checkup. After a week her daughter’s health is getting improved and now she is much better. Hazni is very thankful to all SHG members, they supported and guided her. She committed to returning back the loan amount within three months because she doing labor during the harvest season.

During the interview, Hazni shared with the team that, before it was difficult for us to fulfill urgent needs. We did not sure if we request to landlord for the loan it will receive or not but by our self-help group it was a really easy way for us to take a loan from our own savings and our group members also understand the situation. She requests to pray for her daughter’s complete healing. Her family is thankful to SHG members & CRSA-KCDA Team for sharing SHG Concept.

The Self help approch brings hope and change in Baghan life

  • Baghan is 48 years old lady and she is living in Rano Patel village. She is married and has two son and two daughters and they all are married and lives separately. The CRSA team started the project in this village in 2021 and formed a women’s self-help group. During the meetings and training, baghan joined the SHG group and regularly attended the meetings and training. Inside her, she was very disappointed in her life because she wants to work but due to her age she cants work in the field area. She said I was very upset because I and my husband live separately from my sons. My husband has also jobless and it is for him difficult to work in the field. Therefore it was difficult for us to fulfill our daily needs. But when I learned from SHG that the self-help approach makes our life better. It was the moment when my eyes opened and I discussed it with my husband and we both decided to take a small loan from our SHG group and start a small shop at the village level. In our village, we do have not any other shop and people goes to the city and bring things from far.

  • Baghan applied for the loan in the group and her group members accepted her request. Her group saving in one year was Rs. 13000/= and she requested a loan of Rs. 7300/=. She started a small tuck shop at the village level. Baghan and her husband both are very happy with their own small business and they are both engaged in work at the village level. Baghan said “ In our culture age limits make vulnerable and dependency condition for elderly people but SHG approach breaks this boundary and make the way to live better life economically and physically”. Thank you SHG and CRSA team.