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CRSA Project

Community Resilience Through Self Help Approach Project

The Project aims to encourage holistic transformation among the most ignored and deprived and marginalized communities of District Mirpurkhas and Tando Allahayar. The CRSA project funded by the Tear fund.

Strategically, the project focuses on rural farming communities. The project mainly focused on livelihood, and WASH interventions to make the target communities socio economically physically and physically sustainable. The project created a sense of responsibility in communities regarding climate change and protecting the environment.

The second year of the CRSA project started from March 2022, the project main objective of the project is stated, 15 targeted communities have improved their livelihood and WASH practices by Self-help approach and environment sustainability. The project team selected ten new villages and formed village development committees and including men and women self-help groups. Most importantly during regular member meetings SHG members discussed their social issues. This extra income can be used to expand their business or could be used to get better health and education facilities for their families. From March to June 2022, the Project team formed 15 SHG groups in district Mirpurkhas including 201 women members. The team took initiative and formed five men SHGs and 115 men members doing regular saving. The project team conducted five SHG trainings to build the capacity of the group members to understand the concept of SHG. At present in fifteen women self-help groups six women started small business by their own saving. The total saving of groups are 62050 /= .

Secondly the project organized health sessions in 15 targeted villages. The aim of the sessions was to provide health and hygiene awareness and raised the hygiene standards among target communities. The project team designed the pamphlets on heat stroke awareness raising campaign and distributed into villages.

The message was to celebrate world environment day on dated 4th June 2022 and become a responsible citizen of this planet. Awareness of protecting the environment was shared during meetings. Celebrations and the tree plantation drive were led by the CRSA team supported by Tear Fund. On this event, more than 200 children and 45 community elders participated. The program is based on different activities, group work with children, tree plantation, recycling of waste material or items, and project team conducted sessions with individual village groups. The children expressed their thoughts by holding statements on cards.

The local government officials visited the program and met with children and community members. Mr. Junaid Mirza (Deputy Director, Social Welfare Department Mirpurkhas), Mr. Gous Mohammad Pathan (Deputy Director, Information Department Mirpurkhas). The government officials appreciated the KCDA and Tear fund’s work for the community.

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Awesome Image

The program highlighted activities:

  • What is Environment & Climate Change Crisis
  • Cleanliness of Environment & Reuse of local resources
  • Tree Plantation
  • Group Work
  • Games & Art Work

KCDA Monitoring Department

  • Regular monitoring meeting: Monitoring meetings were held with project staff about identifying and discussing the project's strengths and weaknesses. Several issues came up during this meeting and were discussed. Time was made in every meeting to record the issues discussed and decisions taken.
  • Monitoring visit: To improve the quality of project inputs, the M&E department conducted 43 monitoring visits. Feedback of these visits was provided to the Management and Project teams.
  • Monthly staff meeting: The M&E department arranges the monthly staff meetings with each department. Three monthly meetings have been conducted successfully. The all departments present their monthly project report and got the feedback from team.
  • Tracking sheets were redesigned and updated: Health, education and SHG department tracking sheets were redesigned and updated. These tracking sheets are the master sheets of quantitative data of all KCDP field activities and are frequently updated by the M&E department. Progresses of departments are then shared in monthly staff meetings and monitoring meetings so they can improve their work by reviewing all the data

The program highlighted activities:

  • What is Environment & Climate Change Crisis
  • Cleanliness of Environment & Reuse of local resources
  • Tree Plantation
  • Group Work
  • Games & Art Work